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The GP Contract Memorandum of Understanding: What You Need to Know

The GP Contract Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is a document that outlines the agreement between the National Health Service (NHS) and the British Medical Association (BMA) regarding the terms and conditions under which General Practitioners (GPs) provide services to the public.

The MoU is an important document that sets out the framework for the delivery of primary care services in England and Wales. It is designed to ensure that patients receive high-quality care, while GPs receive appropriate funding and support.

There are several key elements of the GP Contract MoU that you should be aware of:

1. Core Contract

The Core Contract sets out the essential services that GPs must provide to their patients. These include diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, prescription of medicines, and provision of advice on healthy living.

2. Additional Services

GPs can also provide a range of additional services, such as enhanced care for patients with long-term conditions, minor surgery, and vaccinations. These services are not included in the Core Contract and are funded separately.

3. Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF)

The QOF is a system that rewards GPs for achieving certain targets related to the quality of care they provide. This includes measures such as the proportion of patients with diabetes who have their blood pressure controlled, and the number of patients who receive smoking cessation advice.

4. Funding

GPs are funded based on the number of patients they serve and the services they provide. The MoU sets out the level of funding that GPs can expect to receive for each service they provide.

5. Performance Management

The MoU includes a system of performance management that ensures GPs are held accountable for the quality of care they provide. This includes regular monitoring of performance through the QOF, as well as regular inspections by the Care Quality Commission.

Overall, the GP Contract Memorandum of Understanding is an important document that sets out the framework for the delivery of primary care services in England and Wales. By ensuring that GPs receive appropriate funding and support, and that patients receive high-quality care, the MoU is instrumental in maintaining the high standards of healthcare that the NHS is known for.